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Monday, February 8, 2010

Friends and Colleagues

Where would we be without friends? And when you are a minority (of any kind for any reason) so small that you are really more just an isolated individual rather than anything that approaches a "group" then friends are even more critical.  I have benefitted enormously over the years from my connections to some of the pioneering women in neurosurgery.  We met during the earliest days of WINS (Women in Neurosurgery) and though we have never lived in the same cities, our friendships have been invaluable.  Now we all realize how so important these connections have been and that finding some time to relax together during our very hectic meetings is priceless. If there is one thing that has helped me succeed in neurosurgery, it has been these connections. You can't wipe the smiles from our faces after one of our engaging, enjoyable dinners out.

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